Additional styles and forms of Church
(Fresh Expressions/Pioneering/Entrepeneurial)
The Church of England has tended to focus on a style of church and service which has resulted in it being well-liked and attractive but to a relatively small client group.
But God is for everyone!
For this reason the Church of England and Methodist churches are committed to finding new ways of 'doing church' which are more accessible to a wider and more diverse group of people. Various names are given to this: Fresh Expressions, pioneering, or entrepeneurial. Still church...but it just looks different to how we currently know it.
St Patrick's is at the start of this journey but are seriously thinking how we can better provide for people who are exploring Christian faith or who are seeking a more modern worship approach. We will be seeking to do this not by changing what we already have (which is well-liked by those who attend), but by providing new things in addition.
Some recent examples are below, but please let us know if you have any ideas on what we could do!

Family Fun Afternoons
A quiz is held the previous week for children (last year they had to find various wild animals which had escaped from Noah's ark!), followed by a Sunday afternoon fun and games session in Glenridding Village Hall, with a short time of worship.
Christingle Service
The Christingle service perhaps gives another flavour of a style that could become well-liked? Lively worship songs enjoyed by children. Powerpoint images. Videos during the service, and loads of fun! Followed by a quieter time of reflection with home-made Christingle candles.